
Finding the art within the science of body, mind and life.



“I trapped my breath in the bellows of my throat: a lamp blazed up inside, showed me who I really was. I crossed the darkness holding fast to that lamp, scattering its light-seeds around me as I went.”

— I, Lalla. The Poems of Lal Ded (translated)

It’s all well and good to be told to meditate when we’re stressed and flustered. But we all know what happens when someone tells you to empty your mind in that state – it seems to go even more haywire with ruminating thoughts or to-do lists echoing so loudly that it becomes deafening. When we’re experiencing that moment of chaos, it’s more logical to follow simple tasks that the mind can tangibly focus on and achieve.

Breathwork is that natural gateway towards stillness, and I teach this to all of my patients who seek mental health support. I have curated 6 breathwork modules and will guide you through them 1-1 in clinic. They will be supported by printed handouts and instructional videos (scroll down) to help you establish a breathwork routine at home.

Module 1: Posture & Finding your Breath Count

Module 2: Belly Breathing & Stress Release Hold

Module 3: Four Part Breathing & Balloon Breathing

Module 4: Box Breathing with a Hold on the Inhale & a 2 min Breath Count

Module 5: Nadi Shodhana & its’ Variations

Module 6: Box Breathing with a Hold on the Exhale & Bramhari